Author of the Month April 18, 2015July 26, 2020Staff What a great idea! I’m definitely doing this next school year. I also love that it’s portable. I put lots of my theme displays [...]
End of the Year Writng Activity April 18, 2015July 26, 2020Staff Flip Flop Creative Writing Have the students write their summer plans! Great for all grade levels. [...]
Classroom Center Ideas April 18, 2015July 26, 2020Staff Are you left with lots of plastic Easter eggs? What a great idea for those lower grades! [...]
Recommended Reading: If You Don’t Feed the Teachers They Eat the Students! Written by: Neila A. Connors March 25, 2010July 25, 2020Staff If You Don’t Feed the Teachers They Eat the Students! begins with the seed of insight gained from the author’s experiences and blossoms [...]
Buddies are the Best! March 24, 2010July 25, 2020Staff Use this idea to help your students learn to work well with others. Each Monday divide the class into pairs, or buddies. Rearrange [...]
Classroom Tip: Extra Credit Tree February 17, 2010July 25, 2020Staff Do you often hear, “How can I bring up my grade?” from your students. Here’s a suggestion…post a large cutout tree in your classroom. [...]
Invisible Ink February 15, 2010July 25, 2020Staff Do you have a message you want to send your friend? Try writing it with invisible ink! You will need: lemon, saucer, water, teaspoon, Q-tip, [...]
Recess Writing February 5, 2010July 25, 2020Staff Once or twice a month reward your class with “recess writing!” Allow the children to write on a topic of their choice, use [...]
Cloudy Bacteria February 1, 2010July 25, 2020Staff Almost all our food has preservatives added. This is to stop food from going bad. But do preservatives really stop the growth of [...]
The Bouncing Egg January 22, 2010July 25, 2020Staff Can an egg bounce without breaking? You will need: 2 eggs, water, vinegar, 2 glasses, flashlight, bowl Put one whole egg in a [...]