Countdown to Christmas! December 1, 2015July 25, 2020Staff Your students will love counting down to Christmas by trimming the beard of Santa Claus. [...]
Book recommendation: Santa’s Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene November 30, 2015July 25, 2020Staff This playful picture book answers the age-old question: Just how does Santa shimmy up and down chimneys? Not very easily sometimes! When the [...]
A Typeface Designed to Help Dyslexics Read November 24, 2015July 25, 2020Staff A Typeface Designed to Help Dyslexics Read By Kristin Hohenadel Dutch designer Christian Boer created a dyslexic-friendly font to make reading easier [...]
Place Value in a Whole New Way! November 23, 2015July 25, 2020Staff Make a BIG statement with this place value display! [...]
We’ve found some great Christmas-themed printables for your classroom! November 20, 2015Staff It’s that time of year again, so why not use some of your students’ enthusiasm for the Christmas season to learn something? Here [...]
New teachers: It’s OK to lose it and cry November 19, 2015Staff A column on by Meg Anderson explores the struggles many first-year teachers experience, and includes the sobering fact that 1 in [...]
Because you can never make too many Thanksgiving Turkeys! November 17, 2015July 25, 2020Staff T is for Turkey! [...]