What is Earth Day? (Free Resource)

What is Earth Day

Earth Day is coming on April 22, when the world pauses to recognize the importance of protecting our environment.

First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day was originally organized by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, who was trying to raise awareness of the dangers of pollution. Later that year, the Environmental Protection Agency was formed, addressing those concerns.

Since then, the United States has led the world in environmental improvements, although more is needed, so every year provides a chance to find new ways to improve.

Here are some resources to boost your curriculum!

Earth Day Art Project

Our free downloadable Art Project gives young students the chance to make their own Earth using simple materials!

Click here to download the free Earth Day Project from our website!

Earth Day Videos

This YouTube video from Kids Academy is a good primer for the event and how it can be celebrated.

This YouTube video by Homeschool Pop explains how kids can utilize recycling, energy conservation, and tree planting to mark Earth Day.

Be sure to share this article with your teacher friends on social media!